1, 2015
actually isn't sent from my iPad because that would take way too
long, but yes, I actually have an iPad right now. It's strange. I'll
give more info later.
was a great day. We had torrential rain and we got stuck at the
church it was raining so hard. We got like 4 flash flood warnings and
we got two tornado warnings. It was really awesome. I loved it. We
still got out by 6, but we almost weren't able to get to one side of
the area because of flooding. It was sweet. We stopped by some people
close to the creek to see if they needed any help, but everyone was
pretty good. I have pictures of where it was flooding over the road
where it is usually about five feet shallower and there has never
been a problem crossing. In one area it dips down and it was about 3
feet under water and we could barely even drive next to it. It was
INSANE flooding. It was actually a little scary.
was a killer day. We dropped off Elder O in the morning so we had
Elder D with us the rest of the day. We had a lesson with E at Sister Sanderson's and we read 3 Nephi 11. She doesn't like feeling pressured, but said she's willing
to learn more, so I'm not sure what to do. We had a lesson with the
entire G family finally. It was amazing! We brought B and
had a powerful Restoration lesson. B (not interested husband) understood everything well and
seems very curious. He had some good questions that hopefully we
answered. We had a lesson with the R at the Js and it
went really well. M is all ready for baptism. We had a lesson
with J and E and S came and so we taught E the
Restoration and she understood authority very well. She is really
cool. We were so blessed to have such a great day. E and the
Gs have a lot of potential.
we did some service in M's area and had a fairly slow day until
a lesson with the Gs and Ls. It went well. We asked Sister G what we could do
to help her son the most and she said bringing a 14 year-old over would
help and he loves tennis and basketball so we might set up a time to
play with him on P-day since school is almost out.
was transfers. It was a great transfer meeting. Sister T followed me back out to the field, and she went back to her first
area too. So she bore her testimony, then Elder T, then they had
me. Yes, Elder T was visiting and he still seems like a
missionary. It was awesome to see him. I got a little emotional, but
not bad. I love our mission. I was a little unsure of who they would
put with me since I knew President would want to put a future leader
with me, and I couldn't think of anyone who wasn't already a leader
or who would probably be a leader that transfer. To my surprise, I am
companions with Elder S. He is awesome! He has been out four
transfers and he trained after his first two and definitely could
have been a District Leader, but I guess they will give him one more
transfer to learn. He is really funny and I think he's going to be an
Assistant in the future. He's like 25 because he was inactive for
about 10 years but decided to come out. He's very consecrated and a
good leader. I was really excited to be put with him. After the meeting
I got to meet Elder T's parents and they are really awesome and I
got to talk to Elder T for awhile. He's doing very well. I needed
a temple recommend interview so I stayed to get one with President.
It was probably the best interview I've had with him. He just wanted
to talk, so we talked about the mission, different missionaries, etc.
I've felt like we've usually been so business-minded when we've
talked, but this was much more casual and I loved it. Like he was a
father to me and he was just talking to his son. I also asked him
about this situation that came up the day before. A, the LA guy
we reactivated in Randolph, called and was super excited to be
getting the priesthood soon and he really wanted me to come and
ordain him. I told him because I am really far away it wasn't likely
I could come, so I asked President what I should say to him, but he
was like, "well you might as well come to our Sunday meeting and
go to his ordination." So we are going down the 14th for his
ordination and the Sunday night meeting. Also after transfer meeting
we received our iPads. Mine is a loan since I leave soon, and it
wasn't in great shape, but I've got it looking much cleaner.
Basically all they told us was to go through the orientation and to
become familiar with everything for MLC. Right now we are just
focusing on using it to learn and teach better. Our evening was good.
We had a visit with the Ms. We set up a dinner for next Sunday that we can hopefully involve his
wife and invite her to learn. That would be great. We had a lesson
with the Bs too and talked about daily scripture study. They
are doing pretty well, but they missed church.
we had to configure our iPads and download everything which was time
consuming and we didn't finish. We had a lesson with R. He is so funny. I taught him once or twice last
year right before I left, and we stopped by and he was really excited
to see me. I'm surprised he recognized me, so we set up a lesson for
Friday. He understood the Restoration waaay better than he did last
year. He is much more sincerely open. He was like "how come
every preacher isn't using the Book of Mormon? Shouldn't they all be
trying to get the true authority too?" He's really fun. I hope
he continues progressing well. We had to weekly plan and then we had
a lesson with the F family. We used our iPad for the first time
to watch a video and it went well. We can download basically any
Mormon message or video which is very handy.
we had to spend a lot of the morning taking a test on the iPad and
downloading everything else and becoming familiar with it. It's crazy
the possibilities we have with them. It's a little overwhelming. They
have interactive pamphlets that have videos, pictures, etc. that are
really awesome. We had a great miracle that night. We stopped by a
referral from the ASL Sisters for a guy named T and he was outside
with his two kids. He was super nice and let us right inside and we
taught them the Restoration using the pamphlet on the iPad when
needed. It was powerful. His kids are A (10) and G (7) and
he's divorced which is one reason he's looking for more guidance. His
kids are incredible. They understood everything so well. When we
invited them to read the Book of Mormon they easily accepted and
Ashley was like "let's do this every night." They accepted
an invitation to be baptized and to come to church. It was a
testament that the Lord is preparing people for the gospel.
morning we texted them to make sure they didn't need anything to come
and T said they were fine and then when we got to church we told
them we saved them a seat, but they said they were running a bit
late, and so we told them to text us when they got there. We never
heard back from them. It was a bummer, but I'm sure something came
up. They are such a good family. M came to church and E was
out of town. We had a lesson with M after church about the
Atonement. I think she's just afraid to commit for life, so she's not
really praying or studying. Sister S was pretty bold with her and
just said she's going to have to choose eventually and how glad she
was that she has listened to this point. She's a good person. We also had an incredible lesson with this
less-active family, the Ms. They've been less-active since
before I was here the first time, and I've tried setting up so many
lessons with them, but this one finally went through. They have been
reading and praying together already, so we talked about church and
invited them back and they said they want to. He works some Sundays
and so that is what has made it hard to take that first step. They
are coming this next week. Since we are TSAMers we of course didn't
forget our purpose and asked for referrals and challenged them to
pass out a Book of Mormon and they asked for three more! Turns out
they are really good member-missionaries and talk about the church
all the time. It is awesome. It is interesting that less-active and
recent-converts are usually so much better at sharing the gospel. Hopefully they come next week to church.
is God's church. We have the answers to eternal peace and joy. Thanks
for your examples!
8, 2015
was an interesting week. We had a couple days that just make you
laugh because of how many things go wrong, but that's the way it is
and it's nice to see when you change enough that it no longer effects
night we had another lesson with the Gs. They are doing very
well. We taught the Plan of Salvation which didn't go very well at
first because the kids were going crazy, but we just kinda paused at
one point and stopped teaching and backed out and just started asking
questions and having a conversation. We managed to save the lesson
and Brother R came and he got along with B well. Sister
G is still very busy with work, so we only met with them once,
but we have another lesson Tuesday and B is still reading the
Book of Mormon.
was MLC. It was incredible of course. We had to leave at 6:30 to
get down in time. President started by talking about how important it
is to go all in with technology. Basically he said he's not using
hard copy scriptures any more to study and neither should we. That is
exactly what we all needed to hear because I think we all were being
stubborn and wouldn't give up our paper scriptures just because we
aren't familiar with the resources in Gospel Library. Since then I
have gone crazy with the tags and notebooks and it has enhanced my
studies tremendously, and more importantly it has enabled me to
remember and organize everything I learn so I will always have it to
pull from. I can even send my notes and things, so maybe I will send
my training from District Meeting that I did completely on the Gospel
Library. It took us a long time to get back, and all our lessons
cancelled, but we met some good people.
we were out by 10 which felt strange and we contacted a bunch of
people before we had to go to the iPad distribution meeting in the
afternoon. Everyone else in the mission got their iPads and then we
split into small groups and discussed the four safeguards to using
technology. They are 1. Be in tune with spiritual promptings 2. Be
focused on your missionary purpose 3. Be disciplined 4. Be one with
your companion. There is a great promise from the Brethren that if we
follow all four safeguards we will never find ourselves in a bad
situation. I am grateful for the chance they are giving all of us to
learn restraint with technology. I obviously wasn't worried about
anything unrighteous, but the world as a whole really struggles with
wasting time on technology, and this gives us a chance to learn how
to be in control. It has made me realize how important the principle
of acting and not being acted upon is. That is essentially the trick
to life. Satan throws temptations at us, but as long as we don't let
them act on us and we choose to act and do something else, we will
avoid any temptation. I think my mindset really is shifting as to the
purpose of technology. That it's purpose is not merely entertain, but
to do the Lord's work, and we should simply use it for it's purpose.
After the meeting we had dinner with the Gs and Ls, but A didn't really come. We have been trying to set up
tennis with A today, so hopefully that happens because he loves
we had District Meeting for the first time this transfer and it was
great. It was a long one because we had to go through this safety
course for iPads together and then we had trainings after it. I
talked about consecration and our District is at a really high level.
We stopped by the Ss so Elder S could meet G and we
shared something with them, but he still isn't ready and it just
kills Sister S. Oh well.
We had a lesson set up with the F family and she let two of her
friends move in, S and M. S is the one we had taught
in the past, who declined in interest, but now she told us she is
worried about her three teenage kids and wants them to have more
structure. She wants to get them involved in church. Sister F is also moving in her sister this week and her two kids, so we could
have up to 8 non-members living in their house.
we weekly planned. We had a lesson with E and it went alright. We
taught him fasting and he was a little resistant to it, and I could
tell he is losing his motivation. He said he would fast though,
so we will see. We also had dinner with an active family and the
oldest daughter's boyfriend was there named W, so we taught the
Plan of Salvation a little and invited him to learn. Unfortunately
the Hs were a little protective and told him to think about it and
get back to them before he even had a chance to reply. I think he's
mildly interested, but the difficultly would be helping him do it for
the right reasons.
was great. We stopped by Sister G and surprisingly her brother
and his fiance were there and she isn't a member but is being taught
in Brownsville. So we taught her and she is really awesome. She would
be incredible to teach. She wants to get baptized but is waiting to
make sure she's doing it for herself and for her family to support
her. She's great. They are just in town for the week. We had dinner
with the Ss and M invited another friend C to dinner,
and then we taught him about the Book of Mormon and he is a really
smart kid. He accepted and seems fairly interested, but he lives in
Georgetown, so we will start the teaching and see what happens.
was the crazy day. The F family was suppose to come as well as
J and E, M, and the Ms and none of them came. We
stopped by the F family because our lesson at 4 cancelled and
they weren't home and then we went by J and E and J told us she is done with the church and isn't coming back, but she
still wants E to be taught, but she cancelled the lesson for this
week, so that was a bummer. It was sad to hear her say that. We
stopped by a referral from the Spanish sisters and since our lesson
at 6 cancelled with the Ms we set up a lesson with the referral
named D. We ran to dinner and then we got Brother J to
come to the lesson with D, but she wasn't home. She seemed
solid, but wasn't there. We stopped by the Rs with Brother
J and they are moving this week, so M isn't getting
baptized here. Our lesson at 7 cancelled with T, so we stopped by
a couple people and went to E. He started right off the bat by
saying he thinks it's all too much commitment and he can't do it
right now. He said fasting was too much. We set up to teach him every two weeks though because he still really
likes us and is willing to come to church, but isn't ready to commit.
We left him with the page for General Conference so he can study
those since he never got into the Book of Mormon enough. So that was
our crazy day, but we know that the Lord is preparing people and we
can find them this week.
is the Lord's work, there is no doubt about it. Enjoy the summer!
15, 2015
was another exciting week with zone conferences and a trip to San
P-day we played tennis with A. He is really good. We had a great
game and he won 6-4 in the set. I won the first two, but then I got
this blister on my thumb that threw me off. He definitely has more
skill, but I was beating him with strategy and mental toughness, but
I collapsed after the blister. It was good to spend time with him.
Monday night we had a lesson with this new guy named B. He is the
boyfriend of a less-active member that lives with her active mom. We
stopped by a week ago and he seemed pretty interested and set up this
lesson. He is basically not religious at all and he's more
intellectually curious, but the lesson went well. His girlfriend just
had surgery so she wasn't there for the lesson but we gave her a
blessing afterwards. Hopefully she is willing to come back and do it
with him. He's pretty cool.
we had zone conference. It was amazing. President showed us how to
use the Gospel Library to have better studies and it was incredible
and he taught how Christ is the Father. Thanks to the Gospel Library
I was able to capture more of his training and keep the references
and notes. It was great. The Assistants gave great trainings. Elder
C is hilarious. We had another lesson with S. It went
pretty well. She read the Book of Mormon. We talked about how the
gospel helps families.
we had one in every single key indicator! First time of my mission,
although having a referral received that hasn't been contacted isn't
necessarily a good thing, and I've had some days with everything but
a referral received, but it was fun to get all ones. We had district
meeting and I just wanted to follow up with Zone Conference and we
focused on phase one of the iPads with learning to learn. The
missionaries in my district have been hesitant to dive in with
studies because they feel like they have to come up with some system
for the tags and notes, but I encouraged them to just start going.
That's what I did and I haven't had any issues. We had a lesson with
Sister Rs if you remember her from last year. She was excited to see me and we set up this
lesson. We taught them church, prayer, read and how it will unify
their family and they loved it. L seems like a great person. He
has great potential.
we helped E in her yard. I mowed her forest (that's literally what
it was like) and it took 2 hours, so we stopped there. She really
needs the help. Sister S invited her to dinner next Tuesday.
We had another lesson with S and the F family. We taught
the purpose of life and the Plan of Salvation. S is quiet but
seems to be opening up more. We had a lesson with this less-active
lady we found that we didn't have her records and she lives next to
R, so we brought him. It went pretty well. We also had a lesson
with the Bs. It went really well. Sister B came to
church again. They have made good progress.
we weekly planned. We had a lesson with the Ms and they said
they would be at church and Sister M came, so that was great.
Brother M was sick. We also had another lesson with R. He read a little in the Book of Mormon and we read
Mosiah 3 with him. It was sweet. Hopefully he continues to read and
meet more consistent.
we were out all day and didn't teach any lessons, but we did meet
this less-active part-member family that just moved in from Walnut
Creek. Brother H served a mission but went less-active
afterwards. Their three kids haven't been baptized, so we are going
to start trying to teach them tonight. The parents want to get
sealed, but the kids just don't really care. Hopefully we can help see that they do care.
we didn't have anyone at church. That was too bad, especially that
the Fs and S didn't come. They really should have. The
Gs have been really busy with work so we didn't see them last
week, but we are this week, and M is out of town. After church
we actually went down to San Antonio for Allen's ordination. he's the
one in Randolph that Elder H and I helped bring back to church.
Obviously it was time consuming so I wasn't planning on coming, but in my temple recommend interview with
President I asked him what to say, and he said to just go and come to
the Sunday night meeting. Well, later I felt like we needed to be
back here for the evening and I would rather go for my last Sunday,
so we changed plans, but it was too late to back out of going to
Allen's ordination. It was
neat to see him take that next step in his progress. We made it back
by 7 and stopped by T. He was actually there with A and G!
We taught them and had an amazing lesson. A is incredible for a
ten year old. She remembered almost the whole restoration and was
asking great questions like "what happens when the prophet dies?
How do you know the new one?" and "let me get this
straight, so Joseph Smith got the authority, right?" They are so
prepared, hopefully work doesn't keep them from progressing. T really loves his kids and he can see this will help them. I gave
A my marked up "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet
because she wants to find good friends. She was excited to read it.
In the closing prayer A said "I'm going to start reading
the Book of Mormon now and this pamphlet so I can learn more about
you." They are awesome. Definitely pray for them. This will be
so good for them if they make it more of a priority. Thanks for all
the support, it means a lot!
22, 2015
Well this was a crazy week. We got a call this
morning that there was an emergency transfer and Elder S is
going to Uvalde. So I am getting some new companion tomorrow. Yes it was very
surprising and I have no idea what's going on, but at this point it
doesn't really matter. It's strange to move things around when we
were doing so well together and it was set up perfectly for Elder
S to take over as District Leader, but I guess there is a
different plan. I'll go by investigators this week.
S- She had a great week. We taught her twice and she has read a
little. We had a lesson the day she was freaking out about her kids
being off the deep end and we had already planned to watch "Mountains
to Climb" and it went super well. She was crying and Sister
F. She came to church and seemed to enjoy it. Her kids move in
this week and so we will hopefully start teaching them. She seems
eager to have them join in and I think she has faith this is the
L- We had a really great lesson with him on Monday night. We
taught him about the restoration of the priesthood and how he could
hold it to bless him family and he loved it. He asked how he could be
a part of it. We talked about baptism and meeting with us regularly
and he accepted a date for the July 18th. Unfortunately he felt
sick for our next lesson and didn't join us, and then he missed
church, so that was a bummer.
T- Didn't see him this week. He had to cancel our lesson on
Thursday and we tried stopping by Saturday and Sunday but he wasn't
home. So that was a bummer.
E- We taught her this week, but she's pretty much in the same
place. Still doesn't think she needs to join the church, but she
likes the Book of Mormon.
A and E- Nothing really. Both have kind of dropped off.
J will still talk to us and likes us, but she's given up on the
E- Had a rough lesson with him. He says he's been reading but we
know he hasn't been and he says he just doesn't understand it. We
taught him, but he's really lost a lot of light. He just doesn't get
it anymore. It's sad.
Gs- Have been super busy with work, so we haven't met with them.
Hs- The kids are harder than we thought, they really
don't have much interest in the church and Brother H isn't
willing to put the gospel first on his priorities, so that's a
this week it rained a bit, although the really big storms that were
suppose to hit us were very weak sauce or missed us entirely, but it
has been overcast almost all week, so I loved that.
also want to thank dad for all that he has done for me. He has been a
great example of loving his family and he always magnifies his
priesthood. I'm so glad he set the example that at any opportunity to
serve, the Pews would be there. Thank you for being such a great role
model for me in my life. Have a great week!
my new companion is Elder C. He is from Ephrata,
Washington. He is great. He's been out 8 months and came from Uvalde
so he and Elder S just switched places. This has been another
week testing our faith that the Lord has a plan. It obviously makes
little logical sense why we would need a random E.T. and now Elder
C has to try and gain the momentum that Elder S had
picked up and get it in two weeks. Then everyone we are teaching
either dropped us this week or weren't able to meet, so that didn't
make it much easier.
we had a couple lessons fall through. We did stop by the As and
L seems to be really hesitant all of a sudden because we didn't
even see him. We talked to Sister A and we asked if she needed
help with anything and she said we could help her weed her garden
bed, so we did it right there and the kids came out and helped and it
was a great family moment, but then they didn't say much to us the
rest of the week. Oh well.
we left early for San Antonio. There were like 16 missionaries that
got transferred. It was super bizarre. I'm positive it wasn't because
of any problems, but I don't know why so many were moved. While we
were waiting for a few companionships President asked if he could
talk to a few people so he pulled Elder S in probably to tell
him about the situation he was going into, then he came out and
pulled me in, so I thought he would have something to say about the
transfer, but he didn't. He basically just wanted to talk and say
hello. We basically just talked about my district, new things in the
mission, transfers, and using iPads. I got with Elder C and
we made the drive up. We had dinner with E and Sister S. We had a lesson with the F family that
went pretty well. E had a couple of other funny moments too.
we had district meeting. We have an awesome district. We just
role-played teaching with the iPads. It was great. Not much else
Thursday we
weekly planned, but we didn't have any luck after that teaching
anyone except the Bs who have been to church four times in a
row. They are doing great. We biked since we are out of miles and
that was fun.
Friday we
finally got in contact with the Gs again. We stopped by and she
let us in. Sounds like things have been crazy, and B didn't
come out, so I think he has some concerns or something. She is great
though. She still wants to be active and everything, but they are
having some challenges. We had a great lesson with R too and
read with him.
Saturday we
biked again and we were out right at noon, but it rained on us
which I loved, but wasn't super comfortable. We had no luck again,
but we did have Stake Conference which was amazing. President spoke
for like 5 minutes and just threw it down because it was the
anniversary of Joseph Smith's martyrdom. He was almost emotional and
the Spirit was super strong. Elder Jones of the Seventy got up and
just talked about how incredible President Slaughter was for the
first few minutes of his talk. He talked about what makes good
councils which was awesome. He also showed how the same principles
should apply in our family councils, marriage councils, presidency
councils, etc. and I hadn't thought of it like that before. It was
great. Also, in the morning for my workout I ran a 5k in 23:58,
so I accomplished that goal. Now it's harder to have motivation to
run in the morning.
Sunday we
had the rest of Stake Conference and it was also amazing. We visited
a ton more people but we just haven't been able to catch a break. We
did see the L family again. The less-active family that knows they
need to come back and we committed them to come back this
Sunday. I think they will be there. Sister G contacted us and
said she was going to have to cancel visits for awhile because they are having financial problems. They could use some prayers. Also,
M said she's done with missionary lessons for now too. I really
hope we can find some solid people for Elder C to teach
this next week.
is the true church. Joseph Smith was and is a prophet. He saw our
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Because of him we have the true
knowledge of God. We have the priesthood, we have the Book of Mormon,
we have eternal families, we have the Apostolic keys. He is the
prophet of the restoration. Jesus truly did anoint that prophet and
seer. May we all be loyal to the prophet Joseph Smith.
a great week!
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Elder Pew's shirt after helping someone with their car. |